Having the technical skills to work within the confines of Facebook’s terms of service, but around their algorithms, Tiago Henriques and his team managed to keep their Facebook page, Died Suddenly News, up for well over a year and maxed out at over 296,000 members. During this time Henriques was able to download and analyze critical information that reveals a frightening pattern of injury and death as a direct result of taking the jab. They received hundreds of thousands of firsthand testimonies, either reporting immediate deaths or aggressive illnesses (such as cancer and myocarditis) within three to four months of taking the jab.

Artificial Intelligence Expert Duped Facebook!

When: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST. The zoom doors open at 4:30pm PST and the Empower Hour begins at 5pm PST/8pm EST.

Our next special guest Tiago Henriques, joins Tanya for a provocative conversation about Facebook’s extreme censorship policy. It raises the questions, “Is FB acting as an accomplice in a worldwide jab genocide?”, “Is this about more than just censorship? Possibly money and murder?”, “Is it a cover up for the greatest heist in the history of the world?”.

Tanya and Tiago will also discuss the government and Bank of Canada’s roll in orchestrating a massive wealth transfer and destroying Canada’s economy so as to be able to implement a Digital ID scheme to control citizen’s lives and every future transaction. Read More and Share the Empower Hour HERE.

Died Suddenly News Interview

Tiago Henriques managed to work around Facebook’s algorithms in order to provide people around the world the opportunity to share their stories of medical apartheid. This is not being overly dramatic, it is a fact. Crimes against humanity are being committed on a global scale, all in the name of “following the science to keep people safe.”

When you listen to this interview and hear Tiago’s firsthand account of the stories being posted you can’t help but be shocked. Even for those of us who expected it. Thirty to fifty deaths being reported per day as well as many debilitating permanent injuries.

Leaders Worldwide: Calling Out the Corruption

Legal actions and inquisitions are taking place in Canada and around the world. So take heart and do your part to hold the line.

Legal Update: Action4Canada will be filing our new Statement of Claim in the very near future and we are also appealing several of Judge Ross’ rulings, as they are incorrect and unfounded. We must file an appeal so that his ruling does not remain on record. An appeal is always a separate cost from the original claim. We therefore request, and would appreciate, your donation and ongoing support to help keep Action4Canada’s legal war chest replete and equipped for the ongoing battle. Action4Canada’s case is the only major case proceeding in British Columbia and that is thanks to Rocco’s expertise. Important to Note: As a result of Rocco’s federal actions Trudeau cancelled the travel mandates and APP, in addition to instigating other positive outcomes. View Legal Page for future updates.

Solution: Knowledge is Power, so Use it!

It is critical that you are well-informed of your 100% guaranteed rights and that you take a stand to protect yourself, your job and your family. Did you know that there is no law in Canada that legislates you must wear a mask. There is no law because the government cannot interfere with your RIGHT to breathe freely. Further, forcing or deceiving anyone into taking a harmful experimental injection is an indictable criminal offense.

When the courts in Canada begin to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law, we want Canadians to be in the best possible position to receive justice. If you are not familiar with Action4Canada’s Notices of Liabilities than be sure to review the page and serve your employer, union, health care facility, school, etc. today!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team @ [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…these are God-given inalienable rights and ours for the taking..

As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor.  Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @