Lawyer Representing the BC Father Speaks Out
September 5, 2020
Dear Friends,
As millions of children return to school next week there could not be a more relevant, or vitally important, case for parents to be made aware of than the case involving the BC father. This case not only addresses the horrific abuse of a minor at the hands of the state, but highlights the damage being done through the schools, due to the implementation of the UN’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education program. The UN has instructed its member nations to implement the CSE curriculum to sexualize children at the earliest age possible with a heavy pro-LGBTQ/Trans agenda.
The case of the father should be a serious warning to parents who have their children in the public-school system. This father is risking everything in order to expose what is going on in the schools, the courts, and the government. Parents must be engaged and on guard.
Please watch the most recent interview of the father, CD, with Frank Vaughn to learn more. View Here
Court Hearing Update:
Action4Canada attended the preliminary hearing on Wednesday, September 2 to support CD.
CD’s lawyer, Mr. Carey Linde, was late due to a mix up over the start time. Upon arrival, he found his client had been placed in the court “prisoner box.” Mr. Linde demanded that his client be removed and was adamant, that despite this case being upgraded to criminal court, he maintained that this is a civil matter. As a result, the judge agreed to remove CD from the box, despite the objections made by the Attorney General’s lawyer.
CD’s lawyer then informed Justice Tammen that he would be filing an application for the judge to recuse himself. Justice Tammen had exhibited bias when he sided with the daughter’s lawyers, contrary to their client’s instructions. The daughter (AB) had made it clear that she did not want her father charged criminally; counsel ignored her instructions and instead requested Justice Tammen invite the Attorney General to intervene. Justice Tammen agreed, fully aware that this was against AB’s instructions.
This action is in violation of attorney/client protocol. A solicitor’s role is to give advice and take instructions from their client. The whole reason this case is even before the BC Supreme Court is because the psychologist, doctors, and legal counsel had decided that this child was capable. Thus, the BC Infants Act was enacted, and the father’s rights removed.
At this point, one could conclude that this matter is political and definitely not about the best interests of the child. This further proves that the child was not provided independent medical advice, legal advice, or impartial court hearings.
The collusion between counsel and the bench is not only a breach of the Law Society’s code of professional conduct that outlines the practice standards for lawyers and the Canadian judiciary, but it is also in violation of the law in Canada, which has constitutional protections or “essential conditions” that ensure judicial independence and impartiality.
Every Canadian has the constitutional right to have his or her legal issues decided by a fair, independent, and impartial judiciary.
This matter will be heard at the next court date, which is tentatively set for November 30, 2020.
If you are a parent and are concerned about sending your child to public school then we encourage you to look into other options. Such as on-line learning centres and home schooling groups. Also…know who you vote for in upcoming elections and where they stand on these issues.
Call to Action: Please…sign and share the petitions.
Sign Petition – Attorney General cease and desist the attack against the father.
Government e-petition – Jenn Smith’s petition calling for a national inquiry.
If you appreciate the work of Action4Canada please consider donating today. We are working hard to educate, encourage and equip Canadians to take action on critical issues. United we have the power to accomplish great things. There is strength in numbers.
Thank you, and God Bless Canada!
The Team@