The A4C Army is Growing & Taking Back Territory!
When: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Watch the “Meet the Chapter Leaders” Empower Hour and learn of the exciting wins and success stories that are happening nationwide as a result of citizens coming together and implementing Action4Canada’s effective strategies using A4C’s extensive resources. Action4Canada is mobilizing citizens from sea to sea and building communities within communities of like-minded people. These communities are working together in a collaborative effort to overturn corrupt government policies and overreach.
A4C Chapter Leaders are a valued part of our team as they sacrificially volunteer their time to battle on behalf of every Canadian. Please join us to honour all of their efforts in this inspiring and hope filled evening.
Action4Canada believes that there is strength in numbers and that by building Chapters across this nation we can mobilize an incredible army of like-minded citizens and work together to protect our inalienable God-given rights.
We are committed to supporting businesses, families, children, the elderly, our churches and candidates at all levels of government. We will work together to ensure that we have a powerful effect in ALL upcoming elections at ALL levels of government. We are going to take back our federal and provincial legislatures, our municipalities, our school boards, our neighbourhoods, our courts, our Senate and this Country!
Join the Movement
Isn’t that an incredible map?! All of those maple leaves indicate an Action4Canada Chapter. View the following list of locations HERE.
Don’t see an A4C Chapter in your province/territory or region, then we invite you to consider becoming a Chapter leader in your area. To start, you need to register as a volunteer and choose Chapter Leader as your area of interest.
PLEASE NOTE that an expression of interest in chapter leadership means that an A4C team member will contact you to answer any questions and to DISCUSS the role of chapter leadership, the A4C vision and mission and whether it would be a good fit for you. There is no obligation in inquiring.
Is there a chapter already in your community? We are looking for co-leaders and campaign leads to round out the leadership teams. Do you have a particular passion to support parents, businesses, churches? Become a team leader within the chapter. If you don’t want a leadership role then consider joining and putting your gifts and talents to good use in other ways. Volunteer positions include joining the parent team, pastor/church outreach team, business support, administration, research, database admin, writing, social media, video content, graphics, communications and more. Please be sure to register as a volunteer. Thank you!
To Protect & Uphold Equal Rights for ALL Canadians!
To ban something is not censorship when the laws of the land, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, are being violated. If the law states that everyone is equal under the law and that public spaces are to be neutral, then it is a reasonable expectation for them to be so.
This action letter is in regards to the segregation, discrimination, inequality and discontent being created as a result of non-government flags, and those of political and special interest groups, being raised in/at government spaces such as schools, city halls, libraries, and worn on police uniforms.
The “Duty of State Neutrality” stipulates that neutrality must be adhered to and upheld by elected officials and must be done so without favour, and in respect of the law. Giving special rights to any one group is divisive and unlawful. Read more.
Therefore, join Action4Canada Chapter leaders nationwide and use this new resource to request that only the federal, provincial and municipal flags be permitted to be raised in all public spaces, in order to maintain unity and peace and respect the equal rights of ALL citizens according to the rule of law and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team @
Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…these are God-given inalienable rights and ours for the taking.
As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!
God bless you and God bless Canada!
The Team @