Student Notice of Liability

Print PDF: English version | French version
Action4Canada heard the concerns of many parents and students from across the nation who are being coerced and instructed that “injections” are required in order to receive a post secondary education. However, that is in violation of the Charter of Rights, Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, Canadian Criminal law, the War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Act.
Professionals involved in the education system are NOT qualified medical professionals, therefore, they are unlawfully practising medicine by prescribing, recommending, facilitating, advertising, mandating, incentivising, and using coercion to insist students, including minors, submit to the experimental medical treatment for Covid-19, namely being injected with one of the experimental gene therapies commonly referred to as “vaccine”.
Therefore, notify educators that they will be held personally, civilly, and criminally liable for any injuries or deaths that may occur as a result of recommending, encouraging, advertising, mandating, facilitating, incentivising, coercing, or administering these experimental injections.
Protect your right to bodily autonomy and informed consent by signing and delivering the Vaccine Notice of Liability.
Instructions for Sending the Notice of Liability:
Only one (not three) Notice of Liability needs to be served
- Print the Post Secondary Student Notice of Liability: English version | French version
- Fill in the name of the person you are sending it to (one notice per person)
- Keep a photocopy of the Notice for your records
- Record the event when serving the notice of liability in person.
- If sending by mail, you must send by registered mail
Note: It is important to keep a record of all information (eg. documents, videos, dates, times, etc.)
Action4Canada accepts no responsibility or liability for any harms or losses that occur as result of delivering this notice to anyone. If you do not agree to these terms then please do not use this notice. We do not make any representations or warranties about the potential consequences of delivering this Notice of Liability (eg. child removed from private school)