Register in Advance and invite others, for the Empower Hours followed by Tanya’s Weekly News Update, every Wednesday at 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST 

January 22, 2025: Elaine Ellinger, author, writer and Researcher on Islamic studies, joins Tanya Gaw on this Empower Hour to give a presentation that exposes the threat of accommodating Muslims in the workplace. Stealth jihad is real and it comes in many forms. The rising demands for workplace accommodation of Islamic practices such as prayer breaks, halal food, and gender segregation in non-Islamic countries, is a means to an end. They cry Islamophobia and use our Human Rights laws as a weapon of warfare to advance their agenda. Islam wants world domination and they are ‘stealthy’ and patient in achieving their goal. 

Ms. Ellinger will explain how this workplace Jihad occurs and the costs incurred—including how these accommodations impact productivity, employee relations, and even national values of equality and those founded on biblical principles.

Ms Ellinger’s interest in Islam began in 1983 owing to a chance encounter with a Bahai refugee who fled Iran during the revolution. At that time, Ms Ellinger was working as a child protection social worker in Canada. Since then she has spent many years researching, writing, and speaking from the perspective of the non-Muslim, about the growing influence of Sharia in non-Islamic countries.

Formerly the Canadian director and senior researcher for a European think-tank focused on Islamic doctrine, she founded the ‘Perspectives on Islam Society’ in 2023 for the express purpose of providing public education on the primary teachings of Islam in the context of current events.

Be sure to register in advance, and invite others, to learn more about this important topic.

Grand Jihad: Destroy Western Civilization from Within

Currently, one of the greatest threats to Western nations is Islamic infiltration. Islam’s goal is World domination and they aren’t shy about saying so. In fact, in the Muslim Brotherhood’s own words:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and god’s (allah’s) religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

We would be wise to take this threat seriously and make it a key election issue. Trudeau, along with his liberal cronies and their bedfellow Jagmeet Singh, have been working with the United Nations—who just happens to be one third Sharia (Islamic) compliant—to assist Islam in defeating Canada. In order to help boost the Islamic takeover, Trudeau is providing Muslims the red-carpet treatment by allowing them to take full advantage of our welfare system and free handouts. It is well-known that they are entering western nations and out-populating their citizens. By the way, the more children they produce the more money they receive. Canadian taxpaying ‘citizens’ are subsidizing all of this insanity and they are hard-pressed to get ahead and have families themselves, making the reality of Islamic domination even more foreboding.

From the onset of Trudeau taking office he has been assisting the Islamic caliphate. A good example of this was the passing of Motion M-103. This non-binding Motion, which was based on false and misleading information, was created to ‘condemn Islamophobia’ in order to quell (stop) criticism of Islam. Islamophobia is a made-up word that was specifically crafted to victimize Muslims and act as gag-order to silence any opposition of Islam. But that will never happen. Islam is up for criticism in Canada because it poses a significant security threat and is incompatible with Western values. Learn more HERE and review The Rise of Political Islam in Canada – please share this information.

The Liberals received the greatest backlash in Canadian history from citizens demanding a stop to M-103 but regardless they bulldozed it through the legislature. Muslims are now wielding this ‘non-binding’ Motion as a weapon of warfare to assert power and privilege. ‘Islamophobia’ is deployed as a political and judicial shield to protect them and defame their critics. The Liberals purposely strengthened the Islamist’s position. Thus the growing number of Muslim attacks against Canadians, perpetrated by less than 5% of the population, is significant. Motion M-103 must be rescinded.

Canadian’s valid concerns over the Rise of Political Islam and extremism are being ignored due to subjective reasoning that is suggesting there is an equal plight amongst moderate Muslims. The conundrum of course is that there is no effective way to decipher who is the moderate and who is the extremist.

The consequence of failing to properly address this is facilitating the ultimate success of an Islamic take over, as is being witnessed throughout Europe and the UK. The only solution is to ban all manifestations of Islam in the West. We are under siege by a crafty enemy and they have openly proclaimed their intentions. Canadians are unwittingly being lulled into “submission” and if we intend to survive we have a duty and an obligation to rise up in defense of our own unique Sovereignty, based on Christian biblical principles and values. Freedom and democracy are only found in Christian nations so this is something that we should be proud to fight for, to secure our children’s future!

Money Matters

In this episode of the Empower Hour, Tanya Gaw interviewed special guests Rob Anders, former MP, and Brett Oland, CEO of Bow Valley Credit Union in Alberta, to have an important conversation about finances, the economy, regulated banks and much more. They also dove into the dangers of Central Banks and the impending threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), aka Chinese socialism wrapped in a finely marketed package that claims to improve the security of your finances and make transferring funds and doing business, more convenient. In reality, CBDCs equal government control of your money and every aspect of your daily lives.

Reminder: Action4Canada has created a finance page to help educate and inform our members about the current financial, economic and geopolitical factors threatening the stability of our monetary system and individual’s personal finances. Facing an uncertain future using cash, and a lack of trust in our banks can be concerning. It’s important that Canadians take steps to protect their assets and prepare for whatever is coming. 

Note: Action4Canada does not provide financial advice. The information provided, is meant for educational purposes only.

Donations to Action4Canada are very much appreciated and are used in ways that make the greatest impact on preserving Canadian sovereignty, our rights and freedoms, and the foundation of this nation, which is built on solid Christian biblical principles and values. Please consider either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected] 

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

God bless you and God bless Canada!

The Team @